3056A Derring Hall (Mail Code 0420) Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Receiver Function Studies of Mantle DiscontinuitiesTeleseismic P wave gives rise to converted S waves at significant velocity discontinuities in the Earth, which travel slower than the P wave and arrive later in the P-wave coda. Those P-to-S converted phases provide constraints upon seismic interfaces and heterogeneities in the lithosphere. We showed that time-domain deconvolution based on singular value decomposi- tion works better than frequency-domain deconvolution as the problem is often ill-posed and requires regularization. Our experiments based on USArray data show that event stacking and Common Con- version Point (CCP) stacking, which have been widely used to enhance coherent signals from mantle discontinuities, do not average out differences introduced by different deconvolution techniques.![]()
Migrated receiver function stacks at
station H15A (-112.644, 44.6173) using TDD,
FDD and MT-FDD (3 2.5-pi tapers). Each trace
is obtained by stacking migrated receiver functions
for all available events when the station
is in operation.
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